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XENONY HID H7- přestavbová sada XENON H7 6000K náhrada za žárovky typu H7(vysoká kvalita, záruka 2 roky)

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    » Životnost xenonů 2500 hodin - což je při průměrné rychlosti auta 60Km/h až 175 000 Km které najedete s tímto typem osvětlení xenony

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  • Pro snadnou montáž je ke stavebnici xenonů dodávan návod k použití

  • Přestavbové sady obsahují vše potřebné k montáži do Vašeho vozu: 2x xenonová výbojka, 2x měnič napětí se startérem (ballast), kabeláž s konektory pro připojení k originální elektroinstalaci vozidla, příslušenství k uchycení měničů,návod v angličtině a češtině.

 XENONOVÁ SVĚTLA a homologace

Výrobky splňují všechny požadavky nových směrnic Evopské Unie (prohlášení o shodě – značka CE) a dále jsou homologovány pro provoz v motorových vozidlech z hlediska elektromagnetické kompatibility (homologace e11), ale nejsou schváleny pro provoz na veřejných komunikacích. Hlavními důvody, které ztěžují schválení jsou rozdílné postupy pro instalace v jednotlivých vozidlech. V závislosti na konstrukci originálních reflektorů vyžaduje instalace menší či větší zásah do jejich konstrukce, který může u některých vozitel způsobit trvalou změnu některých dílů vozu (např. otvor na kabely v zadním krytu reflektoru apod.) Proto jakékoliv přestavbové sady doporučujeme výhradně pro provoz mimo veřejné komunikace. Ale svítí to perfektně :)




Xenony H7, xenonová přestavbová sada, 6000K - bílé namodralé světlo , pro použití na vozidla s pracovním napětím od 12 do 16V ., xenony, ŠKODA, OCTAVIA, xenon, xenony, h7, xenon h7, xenonová výbojka
- xenon (xenonová výbojka) barevný stupeň 6000K - bílé světlo V případě zájmu o svítivost 8000K napište do poznámky při objednávce "8000 K" , cena je stejná.
- vysoká kvalita provedení
- provedení na patici typ H7
- špičkové napětí 23kV
- řídící jednotka 35W
- pracovní teplota -40C - 105°C
- životnost svícení přibližně 2.000 hodin , (cca 170 000 km) xenonová sada


1280 Kč s DPH

2064,50 Kč s DPH Sleva 784,50 Kč

Dostupnost: Skladem


















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The terms positive and negative are used to refer to the presence or absence of the condition of interest, here abnormal pathology. Thus there are 258 true positives and 86 true negatives. pandora jewelry pandora rings Dec 28:Burke Ramsey files $750M defamation suit over CBS series about sister JonBenet\'s murderDec 16:Ramsey grand juror welcomes new DNA tests, discusses reasons for indicting parentsDec 13:Boulder police, DA plan new DNA testing in JonBenet Ramsey caseOct 28:Ex DA Mary Lacy cites \'butt print\' in defense of Ramsey exonerationOct 27:DNA in doubt: New analysis challenges DA\'s exoneration of Ramseys Oct 25:Released indictment names John and Patsy Ramsey on two charges in JonBenet deathOct 23:Judge to release indictment in JonBenet Ramsey caseSep 18:Camera reporter sues Boulder DA seeking release of Ramsey indictment Jan 27:JonBenet Ramsey grand jury voted to indict parents in 1999, but DA refused to prosecuteMar 19:Fleet and Priscilla White ask judge to compel Boulder police to release records Jan 24:Fleet, Priscilla White denied official Ramsey exoneration statement by DAOct 25:Released indictment names John and Patsy Ramsey on two charges in JonBenet deathOct 23:Judge to release indictment in JonBenet Ramsey caseSep 18:Camera reporter sues Boulder DA seeking release of Ramsey indictment Jan 27:JonBenet Ramsey grand jury voted to indict parents in 1999, but DA refused to prosecuteA Boulder couple who were in John and Patsy Ramsey\'s home the day JonBenet Ramsey\'s body was discovered in the family\'s basement 17 years ago were officially exonerated Thursday in the notorious murder case for the third time.The latest public exoneration of Fleet and Priscilla White came from the Boulder Police Department, and it prompted some head scratching from one legal analyst.Denver defense attorney Dan Recht, who has followed the Ramsey saga closely, was surprised to see the Whites being offered another exoneration in the case.\"I know of absolutely no precedent for anyone ever being officially exonerated three times in one case,\" Recht said. \"I\'m wondering out loud what the motivation is for the chief of police to issue a third exoneration.\"Recht also said, \"In addition, one wonders why the Whites would want to have their names brought to national attention, once again, in association with this case.\"Boulder police Chief Mark Beckner released a statement Thursday noting that \"innocent community members\" had been the target of speculation throughout the investigation into JonBenet\'s murder, and had suffered as a result. Fleet and Priscilla White, he said, are among them.\"The Boulder Police Department recognizes the suffering the Whites have endured as a result of the accusations made against the White family during the course of the investigation,\" Beckner\'s statement said.\"The Boulder Police Department investigators have always considered the White family to only be witnesses in this case.\"Beckner\'s statement also noted that \"the Boulder Police Department has never considered the White family to be suspects in the case,\" adding, \"We wish to express our gratitude for the White family\'s cooperation and contributions in regard to the investigation of JonBenet\'s death.\"In an emailed statement to the Daily Camera, Fleet White said, \"We greatly appreciate Chief Beckner and the Boulder Police Department making this statement on behalf of our family.\"Along with the recent release of the 1998 99 Boulder grand jury indictments of John and Patsy Ramsey, we are hopeful Chief Beckner\'s statement today will further improve the public\'s understanding of the investigation of JonBenet\'s death.\"Whites first cleared by police in 1997The Whites\' first public exoneration came when the case was still being feverishly worked by numerous department detectives as well as outside experts tapped by the Boulder County District Attorney\'s Office, and was in the constant glare of both national and international media attention.In April 1997, then Boulder police Chief Tom Koby said in a prepared statement: \"They (the Whites) are considered key witnesses pandora rings.

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